After RAHMAN theory, it is theory MAHATHIR! (Selepas teori RAHMAN, adalah teori MAHATHIR!)







End of RAHMAN Theory (Tamatlah Teori RAHMAN)

Beginning of MAHATHIR Theory (Permulaan Teori MAHATHIR)



Following that (Dan seterusnya)




Following that (Dan seterusnya)




R.A.H.M.A.N Theory (Teori R.A.H.M.A.N)

R – Tunku Abdul Rahman

A – Tun Abdul Razak

H – Tun Hussein On

M – Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad

A – Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

N – Dato’ Sri  Mohd Najib Razak

M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R Theory (Teori M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R)

 M – Mahathir bin Mohammad

A –  Anwar Ibrahim

H – ????????

A –  ????????

T – ?????????

H – ?????????

I – ??????????

R – ?????????

Aku menangis pada Hari Merdeka. (I am Crying on Merdeka (Independence) Day.)








1.         Aku menangis kerana rakyat Malaysia telah hilang kegembiraan dan perasaan terhadap masa hadapan negara yang diimpiankan dan tidak seperti semasa Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman  melaungkan “Merdeka!”.


            (I cry because Malaysians have lost the joy and hope of a future Malaysia as wished for unlike the times when the late Tunku Abdul Rahman shouted “Merdeka”. )


2.         Aku menanggis  memikirkan ada rakyat Malaysia sendiri yang bercakap, berfikir dan bertindak memecahbelahkan rakyat dengan penuh perasaan perkauman dan keagamaan masing-masing tampa ada perasaan kebangsaan dan kesahabatan.


            (I cry thinking of some Malaysians who talk, think and act to divide the citizens with their own racists and religious thoughts without a care for nationalism and friendships.)     


3.         Aku menangis memikirkan ada rakyat Malaysia yang lebih mementingkan diri sendiri daripada negara apabila timbul isu-isu parti, jawatan, habuan, kuasa, kawan, kesahabatan dan kesaksamaan.


            (I cry thinking of some Malaysians who care more of themselves rather than the Nation when it comes to issues of party, posts, rewards, power,  friends, relationship and fairness.)


4.         Aku menangis memikirkan ada rakyat dan keluarga mereka yang masih belum mendapat keadilan sewaktu dipenjarakan, ditindas, dirompak, diugut, didiskriminasikan dan tidak juga dibenarkan bersuara.


(I cry thinking of some citizens and their families who have not obtain justice while being imprisoned, oppressed, robbed, threatened, discriminated and not even allowed the freedom of speech.)


5.         Aku menangis memirkirkan ada rakyat Malaysia yang masih hidup Kias Pagi,  Makan Pagi;  Kias Petang Makan Petang walaupun Malaysia sudah 53 tahun merdeka.


            (I cry thinking there are still Malaysians who still live from Hand to Mouth everyday, even though Malaysia has already achieved 53 years of Independence.)

“Stop playing as messengers of God! (Hentikan permainan sebagai pesuruh Tuhan!)



1. Only God knows what is in your heart. (Hanya Tuhan yang dapat mengetahui hajat mu.)

2. To you, your God and to me mine. (Kepada mu, Tuhan kamu dan kepada ku, Tuhan aku.)

3. Answer yourself  to God on Judgement Day. (Jawab sendiri kamu kepada Tuhan pada Hari Akhirat.)

4. God is for all mankind and creations. (Tuhan adalah untuk semua manusia dan ciptaannya.)

5. God does not need your protection. God knows what to do. (Tuhan tidak memerlukan pelindungan mu. Tuhan amat mengetahui.)

Nostradamus Quatrains on ‘Malaysie’





In the year of the great games started by the Greeks

Hosted by the nation of  heavenly emperors of times before

In a land called Malaysie

Great turbulence and strife engulf


A land where a Genghis Khan’s Descendant was shred to bits

Blown by the winds to the heavenly clouds

Where the accused are finally crowned

Amid great trepidation and acrimony


Then arose among men of honor

A man of the faith of  Mohammedans

Kings and Rulers let him reign

And a new nation was born


Great leaders bring forth divination and revelations

A land of many tribes divided was thus united

The color of men was blurred and lost

By great competition to give their best


Herein lies the destiny of men

Who showed the meaning of democracy and humanity

Religions and languages flourishes as times before  

A land as peaceful as Shangri La


Malaysie, a stopping point of travelers must see

Back to the days of great Sultans and Rajas

Nations and men afar come to seek their wealth

Knowledge, trade and life flourishes as before

Nostradamus Quatrains on “Wag the Dog”



In the month named of a Roman King

The year of  great games played by Greeks

Malaysie, a land where politikus  battle

“Wag the Dog” the game is played


A man defamed twice over

Seeking restitution with Ottoman Kings

A plot being hatched as night awaits

Watch in trepidation by the man defamed


People in Malaysie cry in vain

Great turbulence and strife engulf

Lost is the fable of Mongolian assasins

Forgotten is the hatred of black oil curse


Men in power rule with joy

For winners,  gold and lust awaits

Lost are the tales of greed and arrogance

Forgotten are the tales of men in chains


Little Napoleon kings jump in joy

For keeping the turf and rule once more

But alas, such is the game being played

The time to repent is so in vain


Stomach empty,  spirit rise in men

Seeking justice for those in pain

A man of honor they seek within

To play a game of which to gain


Across the land, the people rose

Silence and patience is the game being played

Within the halls and corridors of fame

Man of honor win the game

The Courage to Build a New Malaysia.(Keberanian Membina sebuah Malaysia Baru.)

 (Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah)

The year is 2018. This is the year most Malaysians finally woke up from a deep slumber. Most Malaysians were just too busy earning their living and building up their lives to take notice that times have changed and the idealism spouted by our founding Fathers have still not been accomplished for this country even today. 


It was not so long ago in 1957 and then for our fellow East Malaysians in 1963 when the ideals and dreams preached by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (Bapa Kemerdekaan and Bapa Malaysia) for Malaysia were first announced and was greeted with joy in the hearts and minds of all Malaysians. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman had a dream and ideals, just like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many others including the prophets over the history of mankind.


Many a times such dreams were hijacked and led astray under the guise of nationalistic, racist and religious idealism by so called politicians and self declared and appointed righteous and religious persons (Little Napoleons). Individuals who have risen to continue some of such idealisms are gagged, isolated, bankcrupted,  blasphemied, rehabilitated or worst jailed, for it is deemed not in consonance with the dreams and idealism of the elected parties agendas.


Laws are legislated and passed at whim in Parliament to change the idealism of the Supreme Law of the Land (The Malaysian Constitution) and to cloak such party and individual agendas. It is true,  Malaysia, conforms to the  democratic process as practiced by most western countries in elections (even though tainted but unproven). But once given the trust to be elected as a leader or representative of the people, party and individual idealism overtook national idealism, and The Jeykll and Hyde personality emerged to be repeated over and over again at each and every election and by-election.


Malaysians  have being led astray for so long,  that what is right is blurred, what is wrong is tolerated, what is evil is condoned, what is fair is pouted as unfair, what is immoral becomes moral and corruption and close one eye need to become a part of our accepted daily lives. Jealousy, hatred, greed, racism, plundering and satanism starts to breed in Malaysian minds,  and brothers, friends and fellow Malaysians were looked upon as enemies or as inferior human beings. Once a while, such nets were cast ashore to include anything to do with other countries or other races which do not belong to one’s own race or religious beliefs.


The minds and souls of Malaysians are so polluted and poisoned for so many years that it seems that Malaysia is the only all correct country and we should rule the world by our way. Examples of countries which we are  following, are such as North Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Nigeria, Sudan and Somalia. What justifications can you tell your own generations or future Malaysian generations that what you are doing to fellow mankind and more so to your own fellow Malaysians that it is righteous and correct, when, it is at the expense and sufferings of your own human kind and fellow Malaysians?


Can you say to them I did it to follow the orders and teachings of God or party political agendas? Who gave you such inspirations and idealism? Do not absolve your own wicked mind and greed nor take a ride on someone else wicked mind and greed. Do not pick and choose in the Books of God nor the man-made laws to justify or suit your own twisted and idealistic minds. You can fool others due to their ignorance or emotions at some time but you can’t fool forever a man’s conscience nor your own children or hopefully one day your own when such enlightenment comes to you.


The courage to change things which are not right in Malaysia nor achieve the ideals of the Founding Fathers is not impossible. Most Malaysians have woken up to the fact that the future is going to be determined by it’s own citizens thru their own conscience guided by their own religious beliefs to live a harmonious and productive life of correctness and not the type of political, racial or religious correctness as preached.


Parties and their own agendas do not take priority over the Founding Fathers ideals and hopes of all Malaysians. Religion and principles are as a guide to your own conscience to make sure whoever is the leader do not lead Malaysians nor society astray.


For in the end, what is just and right should surely overule anything else for any leader or their party agendas.


Does your  Representative of the People (Wakil Rakyat) or YOU! have the courage to Change!?



(Versi Bahasa Melayu)


Kini ialah tahun 2018. Tahun inilah rakyat Malaysia terbangkit dari tidur yang nyenyak. Kebanyakan rakyat terlalu sibuk mencari nafkah dan membina hidup mereka untuk memperhatikan zaman telah berubah dan idealisma yang didukung oleh Bapa-bapa pengasas negara masih belum tercapai untuk negara sahingga hari ini.


Tidaklah lama dahulu pada tahun 1957 dan untuk seteman kita di Malaysia Timur pada tahun 1963, idealisma dan impian yang diucapkan oleh Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (Bapa Kemerdekaaan dan Bapa Malaysia) untuk Malaysia diumumkan dan disambut dengan penuh kegembiraan didalam hati sanubari rakyatnya. Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman  mempunyai impian dan idealisma sama seperti Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela dan ramai lagi termasuk nabi-nabi sepanjang sejarah manusia.


Kerapkali impian-impian tersebut dirampas dan diselewengkan dibawah kepura-puraan nasionalisma, perkauman dan idealisma keagamaan oleh ahli-ahli politik dan orang-perseorangan yang memilih dan melantik sendiri sebagai jaguh kebenaran dan beriman (Little Napoleon).  Individu yang membangkit meneruskan idealisma tersebut  tidak dibenarkan bersuara, diasingkan, dibankrapkan, dicercakan, dipulihkan dan lebih teruknya dipenjarakan cuma kerana tidak mengikut aliran impian dan idealisma agenda-agenda parti terpilih.


Undang-undang digubal dan diluluskan sewenang-wenangnya di Parliamen untuk mengubah idealisma yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia dan menutup muslihat agenda parti dan individu. Memang betul diperkatakan Malaysia mengikut peraturan proses demokratik seperti yang dipraktiskan kebanyakan negara-negara barat  semasa  pilihan raya (walaupun tercemar tetapi tidak terbukti). Tetapi, selepas sahaja diberikan kepercayaan dan dipilh sebagai pemimpin atau wakil rakyat,  idealisma persendirian dan parti mengantikan idealisma nasional dan personaliti Jeykll dan Hyde timbul kembali untuk diulangi pada setiap pilihan raya besar dan kecil.


Rakyat Malaysia telah dipimpin secara tersesat sekian lamanya sahingga apa yang benar dikaburkan, apa yang salah ditoleransikan, apa yang jahat ditutupkan, apa yang adil disebut sebagai tidak adil, apa yang tidak bermoral dijadikan bermoral dan korupsi dan tutup sebelah mata menjadi-jadi dan perlu diterima sebagai kehidupan harian kita. Iri hati, kebencian, ketamakan, perkauman, perampuk dan sifat setan mulai membiak di minda rakyat Malaysia dan sahabat, kawan dan rakyat Malaysia sejagat diperlihatkan sebagai musuh dan manusia tidak setanding.  Sekali sekala, pemikiran seperti ini dilontarkan kepada negara asing yang tidak sebangsa dan seagama sendiri.


Minda dan jiwa rakyat Malaysia telah dicemari dan diracuni bertahun-tahun lamanya sahingga ternampak macam Malaysia sahaja yang paling betul dan kita harus memerintah dunia mengikut acuan kita.  Contoh negara-negara yang kita sedang mengikuti  adalah seperti Korea Utara, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Nigeria, Sudan dan Somalia. Apakah justifikasi yang boleh diberikan kepada generasi sendiri ataupun generasi rakyat Malaysia yang akan datang tentang apa yang kita buat kepada manusia sejagat terutama kepada rakyat Malaysia sejagat adalah betul dan adil padahal ia dibuat atas pengorbanan dan sengsaraan manusia sejagat iaitu rakyat Malaysia sendiri.


Bolehkah kita memperkatakan, saya melakukannya demi menurut perintah dan arahan Tuhan atau agenda politik parti?  Siapakah yang memberikan kamu inspirasi dan idealisma tersebut? Jangan sekali-kali mengampuni minda dan ketamakan sendiri  atau menumpang diatas minda dan ketamakan orang lain. Jangan memetik dan memilih dalam kitab-kitab Tuhan atau Undang-undang manusia untuk menjustifikasikan atau menyesuaikan mengikut idealisma dan kehendak minda kamu yang tersongsang. Kamu boleh menipu yang lain atas kejahilan atau emosi mereka pada masa tertentu tetapi  tidak akan dapat menipu  suara hati manusia atau anak sendiri dan barangkali suatu hari nanti diri sendiri apabila nur cahaya mendatangkan kepada kamu.


Keberanian mengubah yang tak betul di Malaysia untuk mencapai idealisma bapa-bapa pengasas negara tidak mustahil. Kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia telah membangkit dan sedar  bahawa masa hadapan negara akan ditentukan oleh warganegara sendiri melalui suara hati mereka dengan panduan kepercayaan kepada agama masing-masing untuk hidup berharmoni dan produktif secara betul dan tidak mengikut acuan politik, perkauman atau keagamaan yang dikutbahkan.


Agenda parti dan persendirian tidak boleh diutamakan berbanding idealisma dan harapan bapa-bapa pengasas untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Agama dan prinsip-prinsip adalah panduan kepada suara hati kamu untuk menentukan sesiapa yang menjadi pemimpin tidak mengsongsangkan rakyat Malaysia ataupun masyarakat.


Kerana pada akhirnya, apa yang adil dan benar tentu diutamakan oleh setiap pemimpin ataupun agenda parti masing-masing.


Adakah Wakil Rakyat kamu ataupun ANDA! mempunyai Keberanian untuk Ubah!?

A Sinking “Titanic” (BN) in Malaysia? (The show has just begun!) Karamnya “Titanic”(BN) di Malaysia? (Tayangan baru bermula!)

(Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah)


Malaysia’s Titanic (BN) was deemed unsinkable when it was first launched. Even when it hit an iceberg on  8 March 2008, it was so hard to accept that the ship will sink. When all efforts to save the ship from sinking was finally abandoned, the Captain (DSNR) just stood silently awaiting the fate as a forlorn man. He was hoping the Carpentia or some other nearby ships will come in time to save the passengers. It was sad to see the Captain firing off some distress flares to alert the Carpentier, but the Carpentier’s Captain (DSZH) was just not convinced that the Titanic was in distress.


In between is a love story of   Leonardo DiCaprio (TDM) and Kate Winslet (Azizah). Azizah refused to abandon her love, even though many a times, events show she should just save herself. She held on to hopes, hoping against hope that she and her love can pull thru and both will survive this tragedy. Both suffered mentally and emotionally and in  the end, it was Azizah left to tell the tale of a great man who sacrificed himself to save her.


As for the crew of the Titanic (Little Napoleons) and their friends who are rich and powerful corporate figures, who helped run the ship, did you see the desperation when they found out that the ship is really sinking. Most of them scramble to save their lives and abandon ship and some, with loads of money found they can’t buy anything they wanted, even a place on a lifeboat to save their lives (DSNR absconding). But not all, for there were a few brave Napoleons who tried to show they are committed to the name of Titanic (BN) and the show continues.


There was an old couple (MIC & MCA) who just lay in bed waiting for the ship to sink, abandoned by the young and too old to move around anymore. There were also musicians (GERAKAN, PBB, LDP, PBRS, PRS, SAPP, SPDP, SUPP, UPKO) still playing the ship’s songs and died like true musicians dedicated to their role of love for the Titanic music. There were also some crew (PAS) still working to plug the leaks at the bottom of the ship until they themselves died thinking they were heroes not knowing the ship cannot be saved just by plugging some holes.


Do you know who was the director of Titanic (BN) show? James Cameron (TDM).


Do you know who the Scriptwriter was? Again TDM!


Did you know this show was shown around the world?


Did you know Malaysia has some of the best actors and actresses and supporting casts?


Anyway, it was just a movie, for the real show has only just begun!


(Versi Bahasa Melayu)


Titanic (BN) Malaysia dianggap tidak boleh tenggelam semasa dilancarkan dahulu. Sungguhpun terlanggar tungkul air batu pada 8 Mac 2008, ia masih sukar dipercayai bahawa ia akan tenggelam. Apabila segala usaha untuk menyelamatkan kapal didapati sia-sia, Kaptennya (DSNR) berdiri bersendirian menunggu qadar dengan muka penuh dukacita. Dia masih berharap Carpentier atau lain-lain kapal berhampiran akan datang menyelamatkan penumpang-penumpangnya. Amatlah sedih ketika itu, melihat Kaptennya menembak beberapa mercun penyelamat untuk memberi isyarat kepada Carpentier tetapi Kapten Carpentier (DSZH) masih tidak yakin Titanic dalam keadaan kecemasan.


Dalam tayangannya, ada babak percintaan antara Leonardo DiCaprio (TDM) dan Kate Winslet Azizah). Azizah enggan meninggalkan kekasihnya walaupun terdapat beberapa kejadian yang memungkinnya meninggal kekasihnya dan menyelamatkan diri. Dia memegang kuat kepada harapan agar kedua-dua mereka akan dapat mengharungi bencana yang ditimpa dan akan diselamatkan dari tragedi tersebut. Kedua-dua mereka melalui seksaan mental dan emosional dan diakhirnya tinggal Azizah sahaja yang bercerita berkenaan seseorang lelaki yang mengorbankan nyawanya demi menyelamatkan beliau.


Tentang anak-anak kapal Titanic (Little Napoleons) yang menguruskan kapal dan sahabat-sahabat mereka yang kaya dan berwatak korporat, adakah anda nampak muka-muka cemas mereka semasa kapal sedang tenggelam? Ramai antara mereka berebut-rebut menyelamatkan diri untuk meninggalkan kapal dan antara mereka yang kaya-raya, baru tersedar bahawa wang tidak dapat membelikan segala-galanya termasuk satu tempat duduk diatas bot penyelamat untuk menyelamatkan diri (Hijrah DSNR). Tetapi bukan semua yang berperangai bagitu. Ada beberapa di antara mereka (Napoleon) yang masih berani mempertahankan nama Titanic dan tayangannya menyambung semula.


Terdapat sepasang orang tua (MIC & MCA) yang terbaring di katil menunggu kapal tengelam yang ditinggalkan mereka oleh anak-anak muda dan tidak larat pula bergerak menyelamatkan diri. Terdapat juga pemain-pemain muzik (GERAKAN, PBB, LDP, PBRS, PRS, SAPP, SPDP, SUPP, UPKO)  yang masih memainkan lagu-lagu kapal Titanic,  demikianlah sayangnya mereka kepada muzik Titanic. Juga terdapat anak-anak kapal (PAS) yang masih bekerja di bahagian bawah kapal yang cuba menutup kebocoran tetapi akhirnya mati dengan menganggap diri mereka wira tampa mengetahui kapal sudah tidak dapat diselamatkan dengan hanya menutup kebocoran kapal.


Adakah anda ketahui siapakah Direktor tayangan Titanic (BN)?  James Cameron (TDM).


Adakah anda ketahui siapakah penulis skrip? Masih TDM.


Adakah anda ketahui tayangan ini dipernunjukan serata dunia?


Adakah anda ketahui Malaysia mempunyai ramai pelakon-pelakon lelaki dan wanita dan pembantu-pembantu seniman dan seniwati.


Tak apalah, ia cuma sebuah tayangan. Tayangan sebenar baru bermula.

Malaysian’s Sensitivities. A Foreigner’s Guide? Sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia? Panduan untuk Pelawat Asing?





Malaysians are sensitive like the plant called Mimosa. They curled and closed up so fast the moment something touches them.

(Rakyat Malaysia adalah sensitive umpama tumbahan Mimosa. Ia mengerekot dan menutup dengan cepat apabila disentuhi.)


Malaysians are also sensitive like a woman scorned. Say anything right or wrong and wait for her to unleash the storm.

(Rakyat Malaysia juga seumpama wanita dihina. Cakap betul ke salah tetap kena belasah umpama menunggu angin ribut.)


So, if you are a foreign visitor to Malaysia, please be aware of the following, else you may be charged under the Internal Security Act or Sedition Act or maybe get whacked or maybe get a cold reception.

(Jika anda seorang pelawat asing ke Malaysia, kenalah prihatin, silap-silap terkena dakwaan di bawah ISA atau Akta Hasutan atau kena tumbuk atau mendapat reaksi dingin.)


1.         Do not talk anything about Pigs or Dogs or Cows or Snakes.

            (Jangan bercakap apa-apa berkenaan Babi atau Anjing atau Lembu atau Ular.)


2.         Do not talk anything about Mongolia, Israel or Singapore.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Mongolia, Israel atau Singapura.)


3.         Do not talk anything about C4.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan C4.)


4.         Do not talk anything about Sodomy.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Liwat.)


5.         Do not talk anything about Religion.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Ugama.)


6.         Do not talk anything about God.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Tuhan.)


7.         Do not talk anything about Bumiputera or Race.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Bumiputera atau Bangsa.)


8.         Do not talk anything about OSA or Sedition Act.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan OSA atau Akta Hasutan.)


9.         Do not talk anything about sleeping.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan tidur.)


10.       Do not talk anything about oil.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan minyak.)


11.       Do not talk anything about any sound or prayers you hear.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan bunyi atau sembahyang yang kedengaran.)


12.       Do not talk anything about the Bar Council.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Majlis Peguam.)


13.       Do not talk anything about the latest world fashions.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan fesyen dunia terkini.)


14.       Do not talk anything about the latest world singers.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan penyanyi dunia terkini.)


15.       Do not talk anything about the latest novels.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan novel terkini.)


16.       Do not talk anything about the latest music.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan muzik terkini.)


17.       Do not talk anything about the best universities.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan universiti terbaik.)


18.       Do not talk anything about local universities.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan universiti tempatan.)


19.       Do not talk anything about keris or songkok.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan keris atau songkok.)


20.       Do not talk anything about Mat Rempits, Ah Longs or Transvestites.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Mat Rempit, Ah Long atau Pondan.)


21.       Do not talk anything about tolls, electricity or water.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan tol, elektrik atau air.)


22.       Do not talk anything about prices of cars, education, sin or not sin taxes.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan harga kereta, pendidikan, cukai haram atau tidak haram.)


23.       Do not talk anything about Press Freedom.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Kebebasan Akhbar.)


24.       Do not talk anything about Past Malaysian History.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Sejarah Malaysia Lampau.)


25.       Do not talk anything about The Malaysian Constitution.

            (Jangan bercakap berkenaan Perlembagaan Malaysia.)


In short, when visiting Malaysia, pretend to be Malaysians, be dumb and deaf and don’t even think because a lot of people can read your mind and know ahead what you are thinking or planning to do.

(Secara ringkasnya, apabila melawat Malaysia, berpura-pura jadi rakyat Malaysia yang bisu dan pekak dan jangan sekali-sekali fikir kerana ramai orang boleh membaca minda dan ketahui apa yang difikirkan atau dirancang oleh anda.)


If you are the type who just need to talk, just talk about the weather only in Malaysia and anything else critical of any other country except Malaysia. Don’t even wish anybody, else you may be seen offending someone’s religion.

(Jika anda jenis yang suka bercakap, cakap sahaja tentang cuaca di Malaysia dan benda-benda lain yang mengkritik Negara lain kecuali Malaysia.)


Just enjoy the scenery and pay as you go along. Better still, get an Electronic Payment Toll Card and you don’t even have to talk to anyone.

(Nikmatilah pemandangan sekeliling dan bayarlah semasa merayau-rayau. Seeloknya dapatkan Kad Bayar Tol Elektronik dan anda tidak perlu bercakap dengan sesiapa pun.)

Racism to Satanism (Sifat Perkauman kepada Sifat Setan)



1.         If anyone thinks as a Malaysian at heart you will never support any of the current political parties who speaks only about championing or protecting their own race and religious interests. Whether it comes from UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP or whatever new name,  it’s called racism and whoever supports that party is called a racist. It is no different from apartheid. It dirties and poisons your soul.

2.         Those who are racists but speak with a fork tongue (Jeyklls), hiding it behind other causes like religion, meritocracy, education, poverty, social reengineering, ethnic rights etc are even worse than self declared racists and can only fit into the category of Satans.

3.         Malaysian racists and the MSN have corrupted the following words which meant differently in other countries example – nationalism, patriotism, royalists, freedom, liberty, corruption, democracy, humanity etc.

4.         Power, Greed, Selfishness and Racism rule in Malaysia and now we include Satanism.

(Versi Bahasa Melayu)

1.         Jika sesiapa memikir sebagai rakyat Malaysia di hati, anda tidak akan menyokong parti-parti politik sekarang yang cuma bercakap tentang ketuanan atau pembelaan bangsa dan kepercayaan ugama mereka sendiri. Samada ia datang daripada UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP atau sebarang nama baru, itulah maksud perkauman  dan sesiapa yang menyokong parti tersebut dipanggil seorang rasis. Ia tidak berbedza sangat dengan aparteid. Ia mencemarkan dan meracuni jiwa anda.

2.         Mereka yang rasis tetapi bercakap dengan lidah bercabang (Jeyklls) dengan menyembunyikan di belakang alasan ugama, meritokrasi, pendidikan, kemiskinan, kerombakkan social, kepentingan pribumi dsbnya adalah lebih teruk dari seorang rasis yang diketahui umum dan harus dikategorikan sebagai  Setan.

3.         Rakyat Malaysia yang rasis dan MSN telah mencemarkan perkataan-perkataan yang memberi maksud lain di negara-negara asing seperti – nasionalisme, patriotisme, penyokong Raja, kebebasan, kemerdekaan, korupsi, demokrasi, perikemanusiaan dsbnya.

4.         Kuasa, Tamak, Kepentingan diri dan Sifat Perkauman bermaharajalela di Malaysia dan sekarang kita memasukkan Sifat Setan.     

Subsidy Mentality (Wake-up Call)

Malaysians woke up this morning and found subsidy for petrol almost gone. No mood for breakfast also, and then have to start counting whether household budget for this month can balance or not with this increase. For those who have savings every month, maybe the savings will be less now. For those who cannot balance the budget every month and cannot even have savings, it is a nightmare. Now, what to do?  Is it going to get worse? You bet, it will. It’s only a matter of time with the world prices for natural fuel and commodities going up. Can it go down? Less than 30% chance. Slowly but surely, your nightmare must multiply by 3X with the rest of other things associated going up.

           What is subsidy defined in Malaysia? You hear it everywhere and basically it means if can, can get free or not? This subsidy mentality affects everyone. Rich or poor, bumi or non-bumi, west or east Malaysians, BN or PR.  These subsidies mentality are more prevalent among members of the political parties who deem it a right once they are in power. What was once given before, it becomes very hard to take away or reduce. It is the same with scholarships, house discounts, taxes, projects, privatization, licenses, fertilizers, fishing boats, school fees, books, land tax, speeding fines, etc,etc

         Forget about all the hoo hah on Social Re-engineering, NEP, bumi or non-bumi etc. It is all political talk only to gain power and get subsidy of one kind or another. Most of these subsidies if quantified into RM will end up in whose pockets? Make a guess? I’ll help you. Normal subsidies given to citizens is chicken feed compared to what is given  to party members or families or friends. When we discuss about fuel or commodities, Malaysia is actually, a very rich country, you know. We export oil and have so much natural resources. Problem is, how to distribute it equally among the various types of subsidies and to whom it should be given.

      So, we have to live with it, ya. What to do? We ask for it. Yes, I repeat again. We ask for it. Always with a subsidy mentality. Want everthing easy. Don’t want to be competitive. Katak bawah tempurong. Don’t want to compete and know how the world is changing. Keep on quarrelling among ourselves, who gets the best subsidy. Keep on politicking and championing who has got more rights. I think, in the end whoever won,  will end up ruling another Zimbabwe.

Multiracial Jekylls and Hydes



 Politiking is a game not for the faint hearted in Malaysia. Why? Because if you are an ordinary Malaysian wither whatever colours and beliefs, you’ll get nowhere trying to understand what all the politicians and so called leaders are trying to make you believe. Because in our midst lies Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabis, Bengalis, Ceylonese, Ibans, Kadazans, Muruts, Babas, Eurasians, Kopi-susu, Teh-susu, Kopi-kau  Bumiputera, Non-Bumiputera, Moslems, Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Sikhism, Bahais etc  who are liars, hypocrites, selfish, lords, bigots, greedy, corrupt, racists, evil, yes-men, close one-eye and any other stronger terms associated with it is all there. In Malaysia, those people are also called snakes or ular and it is definitely not only represented by one colour or belief.

     Out of 36 millions Malaysians and we have to have such politicians and so called leaders who ended up making policies and laws for us to follow. Where or where are those Malaysians who are born righteous, patriotic, selfless, caring, fair, loving, intelligent, kind, understanding, with principles and beliefs, tolerant, colourless, and  humane and serve us with just a simple thought of making us Malaysians proud to call them our leaders to serve us and make this land a joy to live in together and a showcase to the world whatever it is called either the best Moslem or Multi Religious country, Tanah Melayu, Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia, ASEAN, or Asia.

    Of course, we have been lucky and should be grateful to live in this beautiful country where there are not so much natural disasters and is full of natural resources. We are fortunate that we do not have leaders who go the extreme of Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Milosevic, Suharto, Marcos, Kim,Jong IL and other despots.  We are also fortunate we don’t have leaders who ask us to go to war whether within or without our country against fellow human beings. Lest we forget,  we do have people who have suffered because of bad policies and governance, greed and corruption,  power and racism, bigotry and self-righteousness.

       Many of us are just plain citizens who only wish that their generations to follow continue to live a life of peace and harmony with leaders who are righteous, just and caring. We also want our citizens to survive better not just in Malaysia but also in this world. Isn’t that what everyone wants for themselves and their generations to follow?

      In Malaysia, because of politicking, we have leaders and followers who are Jekylls and Hydes. How come that it always ended up with them telling us what we should have and is good for us (since it never ever ended up the way we want) when it should be us telling them what we  earnestly want of them,  if we believe in them. We can never know who amongst Malaysians are Jekylls and who are Hydes. A person’s character is always a first good guide and with  the person’s past history, perhaps, perhaps then, we can find a jewel amongst us all, to lead us on.

Citizen Letter to Tun Dr Mahathir


 You have written another beautiful article on racism after my last comment on The Criminalization of War. But, but why must you end it comparing who is racist? What are you expecting Malaysians and the world audience to think and say?


  To be a great world leader, it is for the citizens, then the world audience and their leaders to acknowledge. To judge another racist or corrupt or fair minded or great is also for the majority to judge over time on your deeds, actions, words and character. There is never a need to say out aloud nor trumpet our own achievements to be acknowledged as a great leader.

   History have shown who are great world leaders. More recently they are Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King. Further back in time, most of them I can remember are the Prophets  or those humans who have brought great knowledge and peace to the world.

 There are also people who also claim to be great world leaders ie. Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Tze Tung, Fidel Castro, Suharto, Marcos, Mugabe, George Bush, Eihud, Osama etc etc. Most of them who claim themselves as world leaders are acknowledged by the world for the things and deeds they have done not over  1 day, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year but over the years of their lives. The most evil man in any country who is supported by their own citizens or parties only can also lay claim to be a great world leader. Whether such support is by subjugation, corruption or self aggrandizement thru control of their own publishing medias or rewriting their own history books is never lasting. The truth comes out in the end, hopefully,  sometimes only after their death and all the self acclamations turns into a subject of ridicule, mockery and shame.

     True great world leaders are not necessary intellectuals, politicians or leaders who have great power. They all have something in common. They spread things which we all humankinds share in mind and spirit  and have great joy in. They spread peace, justice, knowledge, love, compassion, humility and possess great characters which any loving parents would want their own children to possess.

     With a population of 7 billion around the world of which Malaysia has 27 million, to be one great world leader to be admired is a monumental task. Back home it is much easier. Malaysia has so many problems that can be solved if only we throw out racism, greed, power, lordship, corruption and hate. Ask any Malaysian now, our parents, children and grandchildren and the one most loved will still be Tunku Abdul Rahman and it will still be only him at the way things are still going. Not only because he is Bapa Kemerdekaan but more because people can see thru his character that he possess some of the attributes great world leaders have.

     Is it so difficult to throw out all those evils? Another 50 years from now, what kind of world or country do you think our children or grandchildren should live in. What sort of knowledge or character do they need to have to survive and prosper? Can Malaysia be a model country for others? Can Malaysia lead in Asean, Asia or the world with the type of citizens we now have. Malaysia cannot even unite it’s own citizens what more to preach to others. Forget all those tourism adverts. It makes us fools when our blogs and newspapers goes around the world.

   Dear Tun. You are gifted with more intelligence and knowledge than most people I know or read about. You can read what humans (good or bad) want and cherish.  Choose how you want to be remembered first by your citizens and perhaps the rest of the world will follow us. Let us the citizens and our generation to follow determine how you should be remembered by.

    I congratulate Tun on your 1 miilion hits. That means it is easier to reach out to people unlike the old days. Time is still on your side until the day it is taken away by (God, Tuhan, Allah) and it beats any other medium of spreading your future messages.

My First Post

Today, I just have to start my first blog. Why? Just contribute some of my thoughts to Malaysians. Hopefully, I can share my thoughts and at the same time understand what a Malaysian is and what we can make of this beautiful country.



April 2024


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